House sitters in the USA have many different motivations behind why they choose to become house and pet sitters.
Some will be looking to save on accommodation costs while traveling to other states or abroad. Others may enjoy local staycations to see different neighborhoods in their area, while enjoying the company of pets. Some house sitters may be motivated by the opportunity to earn extra income as a “side hustle”.
Fortunately, House Sitters America caters to the many reasons why members join our community. We feature opportunities for both free and paid house sitting. By default, sitter profiles are set to “free” for their house sitting services. However, you can choose to specify a daily or weekly charge if paid house sitting is your preferred option.
There are pros and cons to offering free vs. paid house sitting, so it’s worth considering what’s right for you.
As you can see, there are pros and cons to each type of house sitting – with slightly different dynamics between house sitter and homeowner for each.
We hope this gives a good overview to help you decide the best path for you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to get in touch via the Contact Us page.
House Sitters America has been a major positive experience. Since May I’ve been blessed to find 4 local house/ cat sits that have been a pleasant win/win situation. I am so relieved to find homeowners who are really kind and grateful. It inspires me to be even more diligent in caring for their homes! I will continue until I find what feels like home for me in the New Year. I give HSA 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ for integrity. Thanks Very Much! Bette
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