Homeowner membership is free for a limited time.
*Posted rates vary under consideration of number of pets/travel distance/individuals aspects of homeowner needs/etc., but paid rate starts at $50 per night: with departure by 1pm on day contracted time period ends). Rate, ultimately determined, again, by number of pets, individual medical issues, and general responsibilities.
Unfortunately, I'm unable to cover uncompensated home/pet sits (by the time I meet my own overhead at home, and traveling to others' homes to care for their pets and/or homes, it is simply too cost prohibitive).
66, Writer
My name is Marty Jay Mouton, but I go by "Jay"; or "Hey You", but lest I digress immediately on to the task at hand, introducing myself. I'm a working novelist (obscure, but for real, LOL). Check out my latest Apocalyptic novels/novellas/poetry at Amazon (contact me for the link, or just type my name in the search box).
*So far, I've not cancelled any "sits"; I have a 100% record of completion on all my agreed to "sits" (I've been on this site for, hmm, getting super close to 13 years; my current sit count is #51), along with a number regular return "sits", over my time as a member of this site. As well, I've tended to cats, dogs, chickens, fish, birds, goats, racoons, snakes, and one tarantula; btw, I really liked the goats, they were very social, lol. I will accept any sit that suits me, and I the needs of the home and critters involved. Like most others, I have a home and the overhead said home entails. As I like change and travel, it has been fiscally more rational to do longer sits as travel is expensive. And while bouncing around is so very interesting it is, well, dare I repeat myself, "expensive".
If you have a property or pets that require care while you are gone, I might be able to help out. Few are comfortable leaving their homes empty when they are absent for any length of time. Few care to have their utilities/services shut off if a long period, or leave other day to day considerations unattended. Some insurance policies even require that a home must be occupied a certain percentage of time for aspects of upkeep, etc. Most individuals understand that leaving a home unattended for extended periods of time can amount to leaving a sign hanging above the door that reads--HELP YOURSELF! Food for thought, indeed.
Above all, I consider myself a man of ethical considerations, and will go out of my way to make good on my end of any agreement I engage in. Should you decide to contact me, I have my own health/auto insurance, I'm physically fit (life long non-smoker, social drinker at best; primary vice would be playing music--love it!). I have an abiding respect for the property of others. I've owned property (in addition to two homes, I owned and operated a brick & mortar bookstore, and a B&B for nearly a decade in the 1990s); as well, I know what it's like to have an individual mistreat a home (a renter straight out of hell, but I digress). Rest assured, when you pull back into your drive, your home will be as clean and inviting as when you departed on your adventure.
I'm not a germaphobe, nor am I a neat freak. But, fear not, I'm tidy/clean, in general (no dirty dishes in the sink come morning, clean toilets, and general order).
Basically, while I'm not a card carrying environmentalist, I tend to try to keep the ol' carbon footprint small.
I'm one of those individuals that gets on well with both cats and dogs (I admire and respect horses, but it's been a long while since I've worked with any; spent a couple summers of my youth working at a stables. Still, I'm open to that possibility, too).
I'm an introvert by nature; Myers-Briggs: INFJ (no, it's not you--I like solitude), but I'm not "shy", nor am I a "hermit". If you are seriously seeking a dependable individual to oversee your home, property and, possibly, beloved pet (s), for a length of time, feel free to contact me with details (please, be very specific with any responses). I get back to individuals quickly, and I do not mislead individuals. And, of course, I wish the same respect in return (if I tell you "I'm not sure, yet" it means "I'm not sure, yet"). FYI, I spend a lot of time hanging around four legged animals, so when I do spend time your the two legged kind I'm likely to talk your ears off (at least one of them; yeah, odd picture, that).
Sometimes, I'm simply camping, and I'm not online; usually, it's only for a few days or so, but I have always attempted to give as precise times/dates for contact as is/has been possible. I know how important it can be to be sure your plans are laid out as carefully as possible; I feel the same way about my plans, so if we agree to a "sit" (terms/dates/times/responsibilities/etc.) then unless the Apocalypse occurs (not to be confused with my e-novel series, Apocalypse Awakening, also available at Amazon; yeah, that's another pitch, LOL) between the date of agreement and the "sit" date (s)--we're on. I've found that the trickiest part of this whole process is making sure that everybody involved is on the same page (s) concerning those items that will not only effect our, respective, plans, but your home and/or pets--it's important to be accurate, and that, often, requires a little time and attention to details.
Those that have pets know well that it can be not only traumatic for pets to be displaced, possibly in a loud and scary kennel, but it can be extremely expensive as well (if you doubt this, by all means, check some local fees, but make sure it's been a couple hours since you've had anything to eat--wow!). If your pets need extra special attention, and direct action (for instance, dog walking needs should be very specific), this is always a consideration. Remember, we live in a country where something as simple as walking a dog for twenty minutes can cost $30, $40, $50 bucks or more. Both important aspects to consider when considering a home sitter (again, many kennels can be very expensive, even w/o personal care for your pets) for the reliable care in your home, and special care concerning your critters. While I'm not a veterinarian, nor play one on a Netflix series, I have administered topical and oral meds to both cats and dogs. And, most important of all, most of our furry friends need that little extra emotional touch from us human critters.
In a nutshell, I've been doing this long enough to know that being as clear as one is able concerning expectations provides the best outcome for all (including pets). As well, I realize that some folks like the "soft sell" approach, but anything less than forthright truth concerning needs/responsibilities (from both parties) I find to be disingenuous, more often than not, and can result in misunderstanding or mistrust. Simply put, I do not approach my dealings in such a manner (probably one reason my profile is pretty extensive, and a reason I've had numerous repeat sits). I shoot for being upfront, and hopefully, at least some of the time, a tad, tactful.
Most individuals put their best foot forward, and are on the level, but I will ask for pertinent aspects of the job and offer the same to you. What I will not do (nor, have I ever done), is call you and cancel our agreement because someone else calls/contacts me with a "better" offer; to me, this is, simply put, unethical behavior. So, feel more than welcome to seek out the "free" sitters, but always remember, in general, you will get what you pay for: enough said, or as Forrest Gump might put it, "and that's all I've got to say about that."
If you understand and appreciate the above presented profile, have unlimited, high-speed Internet (while meager, LOL, I make my living online, and must have daily access to the 'net; plus, I've a Netflix account and enjoy movies). And, I do need to be able to receive mail at your address during the period of time I am at your home, should I need to receive anything from the VA (my medical provider); no, you will not receive weeks and months of solicitations after I'm gone.
Yeah, I'm wordy, but give me a break; I told you, I'm a writer! LOL!
*One last piece of info that some may consider important (depending upon individual understanding of studies confirming actual statistical information gleaned from blind studies being conducted, worldwide, on the current continuum of information coming in concerning the current covid jabs and immune system damage from the jabs;[lower case with purpose] virus and variants developing from leaky vaccines, etc.). And, from my studied world view observations, too many people in the fields of medical science have removed the reptilian snake from the Caduceus and replaced it with another snake $.
Based on Science (not Political Science) available to most of the free world peoples: *I've not taken any Covid shots, nor do I have any plans to "take the jab". Period. I'm fine around people that have taken jabs (one, two, six, whatever gets your head where your head needs to be), but it's likely not going to be a good fit for you if covid issues are a primary factor; no hard feelings for any, simply trying to avoid unnecessary conflict.
Finally, If we can come to a consensus, then you can look forward to your trip knowing that your beloved pets and home will be well cared for. If you feel I'm not the right fit for you, well, you can still take a peek at my Amazon author page! LOL! Have a wonderful adventure!
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