75, Gratefully Retired Business Owner
70, Gratefully Retired House Painter
We are an active non-smoking couple with skills! We love to travel and visit cities, towns & rural areas in the USA and beyond.
House- and pet-sitting is a great way for us to travel in retirement, or extend holiday time in a location. (One such extension at a sit in England gave us experience with chickens and ducks.)
MId-westerners by birth - Linda grew up in Wichita KS and Mary Lynne in St Louis MO. We've lived in Kansas City, San Francisco Bay Area (22 years there), Wichita and are now in St Louis City. Yes, moving is one of our skills but we have others!
Mary Lynne was a painting contractor in CA for 15 years. Some of those fancy Victorian houses there are her work. During our time there we also did extensive remodeling of our personal residences. (we had 3) We've pulled more than one toilet and demolished a few walls. We can tackle common home repairs and can supervise the pros for complex electrical or plumbing. In Kansas we owned and operated a Budget Blinds franchise for 8 years.
We've been both city- and country-dwellers and still know the 10 things to do before calling the pump & well crew (earwigs!) and how to get a skunk out from under a house (true story)!
Though not currently pet-owners, cats and dogs have been a part of our life and we welcome the opportunity to care for yours.
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